TMS Script
Thank you for calling Accelerated Debt Settlement. This is (Agent), ON A RECORDED LINE, who do I have the pleasure of speaking with? (Capture First/Last Name)
“Hi (name). It’s great to speak with you! Congratulations on taking the first step to financial freedom. May I have your zip code please? (Capture Zip Code)
“Thank you. We facilitate a nationwide program helping Americans reduce their unsecured debt by up to 75%. I just need to ask you a few qualifying questions to ensure we can assist with your specific situation.”
Information Capture
To begin, may I confirm the spelling of your first & last name please? ______________
Okay, thanks. (Confirm spelling of name)
What is your current street address? ______________
And what is the city? _____________________
State? ____________________
And Zip code? _______________
And is your phone number (read the dial in number they used to call if available – otherwise ask for their phone number)______________
What is the best email address for you? ______________
Debt Amount
To help you find the best programs you may qualify for, can you confirm how much total debt you currently have? This would include credit card debt, personal loans, medical bills, etc.
Under $15,000 – Go to Available Credit, Then DNQ for Debt Settlement Script
Over $15,000 – Go to Available Credit
Available Credit
(Name), Do you know how much available credit you have on your accounts?
Under $5,000 – Go to Debt Consolidation Script
Over $5,000 – Go to Over $5,000 Script / If (IA, OR, WA, GA, DC, NC, or LA) skip to Debt Consolidation Script
Over $5,000 Available/$15,000 Debt Script
Thank you (Name), based on your answers it appears you qualify for our program. I’ll submit your information to one of our expert advisors to provide full details and answer any questions you have. (Disposition would be “client qualifies for accelerated debt settlement”) – Go to Closing
DNQ for Debt Settlement Script
“Unfortunately, at this time you do not meet the requirements for our Debt Settlement program. Let me ask a few more questions to see if you qualify for our Debt Consolidation program.” – Continue to Debt Consolidation script
Debt Consolidation Script
“Have you filed bankruptcy in the past 10 years?”
Yes – “(Name), Thank you for your interest. At this time Accelerated Debt is unable to assist with your current situation. Thank you for calling.” (Disposition would be “client doesn’t meet the criteria for enrollment”) – Go to Closing
No – Continue
“Are you currently employed?”
Yes – Continue
No – Continue
“And can you give me a rough estimate of your monthly income?”
Less than $1,000
$1,000 – $3,999
$4,000 – $6,999
$7,000 and above
“Do you happen to know your credit score?”
Poor: 300 – 579
Fair: 580 – 669
Good: 670 – 739
Great: 740 – 799
Excellent: 800 – 850
IF Poor/Fair – “(Name), Thank you for your interest. At this time Accelerated Debt is unable to assist with your current situation.” (Disposition would be “client doesn’t meet the criteria for enrollment”) – Go to Closing
IF Good/Great/Excellent – “Thank you (Name), based on your answers it appears you qualify for our program. I’ll submit your information to one of our expert advisors to provide full details and answer any questions you have.” (Disposition would be “client qualifies for debt consolidation”) – Go to Closing
Thank you for calling Accelerated Debt Settlement. Have a great [Morning/Evening].
Deflection Q’s & A’s/FAQs
- How long has the company been in business?
- What does your company do / help with?
- Where is your company headquarters?
- What phone number will be dialing back?
- How long will this process take?
That is a great question. If you qualify, your expert advisor will be able to answer your question about how long this process will take as everyone’s situation is different.
- How much are the enrollment fees?
That is a great question. If you qualify, your expert advisor will be able to answer your question about fees as everyone’s situation is different.